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Website Copy

Below are a few examples of work I completed for website use. Navigate using the side menu to view the desired example. 

Customer Success Page
Paper Craft

Customer Success Page

I designed multiple wireframes for a customer success and support page. I carefully considered the flow for the user and proceeded to write copy that guided users to locate quick and meaningful help. I experimented with different layouts, phrases and sentence structures to give the design team options. Below are the four lo-fi wireframes that I presented to the team. 

Product Card Design
Parallel Lines

Product Card Design

Mapsted is a SaaS indoor navigation company that offers a wide variety of products for purchase. I was tasked to create a more logical product card to showcase all product offerings.

Mapsted offers a variety of products to a customer looking for location-based services. When you click "products" on their website you are greeted with this drop-down card. 


My Findings

Screen Shot 2022-01-25 at 8.02.16 PM.png
  • I found the line separating the parent category ( Location Positioning Technology) from the subcategories (Indoor Maps & Wayfinding, Indoor Positioning & Location Services, Map Management CMS) to be a confusing segregation of information. Were the products related? 

  • I also found that there was no real differentiation between a selected product and its key features. I also decided to change this. 

Design Changes

  • I decided to delete the line between the parent product and its subcategories to show they were related. 

  • I changed the selected product to a different colour so the user knows which product they are on as well as keeping the underlining. 

  • I also changed the Key Features to the same blue to show that they were related to the parent product. 


What could I do to make this card layout more intuitive and easier to understand?

End Result

Not every change needs to be drastic to help the user along their journey. Sometimes a little change makes a big difference. 

Website Pop-Up
Abstract Paper Craft

Website Pop-Up

I designed a pop-up for prospective customers to gain access to a downloadable white paper and to gather some information about their interest in the company and services offered. 

The Original Design


The Re-Design

I re-designed the pop-up in Figma and updated the content to provide more value to the customer and company. 

Website Landing Page
Elegant Abstract Background

Website Landing Page

I was tasked to re-imagine the website landing page for Mapsted Inc. The landing page was required to highlight the main differentiator between Mapsted and other indoor navigation companies- that no external hardware is required. I designed and wrote copy for a few wireframes that I presented to the team. 

The Wireframes

Two different low-mid-fi wireframes to convey fresh ideas for a new website landing page.

Home Page2.png
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